Payroll Blog Articles

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  • Feb 03, 2022
  • KB Accounting

How Outsourcing Payroll Services Can Save Your Business from Making Errors

  The holidays recently passed and one of the most common errors I see around this time of year are taxable benefits not being properly recorded for payroll. At first, it may seem like an innocent mistake. But — the ripple effect can be. . .

  • Oct 20, 2020
  • KB Accounting

How Using Professional Payroll Services Can be One of Your Businesses Greatest Assets

Did you know that 90% of employers who opt out of professional payroll services and attempt to do it themselves in-house, do it incorrectly? This is due to a lack of understanding the difference between taxable and non-taxable benefits. To help. . .

  • Mar 10, 2020
  • KB Accounting

KB Accounting Services Inc.’s Payroll Business Services: When to Complete TD1 Forms as an Employer

KB Accounting Services Inc. ’s Payroll Business Service will make sure your company’s payroll is meeting requirements set out by the Government of Canada by ensuring all necessary paperwork is filled out—including mandatory TD1 forms for all. . .

  • Dec 14, 2017
  • KB Accounting

How To Choose The Best Payroll Solution For You

Imagine this: at the end of the month an employee reports an incorrect paycheque, the CRA says you owe extra taxes, and you lose a big client because you just couldn’t make enough time for them. What’s one easy solution to all of these problems? . . .


Latest Testimonial

I have known Kim since high school. 4 years ago, CRA decided to do a net worth audit on our personal and businesses. Our expensive chartered accountant at the time basically left us for dead. I have always known Kim as smart and fearless, so I called her for advice.

Kim and her team dropped everything and took over for me. She allowed me to work with them as much as possible to help lower costs. Kim worked with the auditors and put everything together meeting CRAs ridiculous timelines. Since then Kim has taken over all my taxes, cleaned up and streamlined my bookkeeping. She has assisted me with GST and PST audits, and everything in between!

If Kim does not know the answer to your question, she takes the time to research and provide you with the correct answer. Her prices are fair and affordable, her service is outstanding. Her personality is relaxed yet professional. She makes you feel part of the team, not just a number! Kim and her team consistently look out for my best interest. It's not every day your accountant genuinely cares about your situation and what’s really in your best interest. My years of loyalty will definitely continue!

"Consistently looks out for my best interest"
Reylene Esmond E Z Automotive Ltd.

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